Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:34 am
Hello Everyone,
For those of you that don't know me I am the President of the SLP Car Club in Michigan! It is Street Lethal Performance F-Body Organization Car Club! Everyone calls it SLP Car Club for short... We are an all Generation Camaro & Firebird Car Club that was Founded in June of 2000. We basically were formed out of the Mt. Clemens, Michigan area when a lot of us with the 4th generation Camaros & Firebirds were looking for events to attend. We started going to Cruise-Ins and Cruises, then Car Shows and the Track together.
We have a lot of cool Camaros & Firebirds in our Club! We have a few GMMG Cars also which I will share pictures and information with everyone!
I have seen a lot of the GMMG cars from various Shows and Events over the years. I have even seen the start of the 2002 Dick Harrell Camaro Program before it was announced!
2002 Dick Harrell Camaro Colors - I also have spoken with Matt Murphy on several occasions. I have a lot of interest in the GMMG cars! I already mentioned to Jim Smith about one such conversation I had with Matt. It was regarding the colors of the 2002 Dick Harrell Camaros. It was Thanksgiving I believe in 2008 but I was speaking with Matt on the phone and had told him I was trying to keep track of the Colors for the Dick Harrell Camaros. He asked me what ones I had and then said hold on a second and we can just go down the list. We went down the list of all 30 cars, the Pilot car and 3 PR Cars. I have had this list for awhile and would like to share it with everyone. I will put it up when I get a chance.
I don't own a GMMG Car yet, but hopefully in the near future! On the list is of course is a 2002 Dick Harrell Camaro then any of the other GMMG Cars. I have a preference of which ones I would like to own but they are all Great Cars!
I will share my stories, information and pictures when I can.
Dave Ianitelli (SlpDave) :auto-layrubber:
My Cars -
A 1998 Camaro SS Hardtop/Manual (Gold)
A 1995 SLP Comp T/A Hardtop/Manual (Silver/Gray Stripe)
A 1997 SLP Camaro SS Hardtop/Automatic (Black)
For those of you that don't know me I am the President of the SLP Car Club in Michigan! It is Street Lethal Performance F-Body Organization Car Club! Everyone calls it SLP Car Club for short... We are an all Generation Camaro & Firebird Car Club that was Founded in June of 2000. We basically were formed out of the Mt. Clemens, Michigan area when a lot of us with the 4th generation Camaros & Firebirds were looking for events to attend. We started going to Cruise-Ins and Cruises, then Car Shows and the Track together.
We have a lot of cool Camaros & Firebirds in our Club! We have a few GMMG Cars also which I will share pictures and information with everyone!
I have seen a lot of the GMMG cars from various Shows and Events over the years. I have even seen the start of the 2002 Dick Harrell Camaro Program before it was announced!
2002 Dick Harrell Camaro Colors - I also have spoken with Matt Murphy on several occasions. I have a lot of interest in the GMMG cars! I already mentioned to Jim Smith about one such conversation I had with Matt. It was regarding the colors of the 2002 Dick Harrell Camaros. It was Thanksgiving I believe in 2008 but I was speaking with Matt on the phone and had told him I was trying to keep track of the Colors for the Dick Harrell Camaros. He asked me what ones I had and then said hold on a second and we can just go down the list. We went down the list of all 30 cars, the Pilot car and 3 PR Cars. I have had this list for awhile and would like to share it with everyone. I will put it up when I get a chance.
I don't own a GMMG Car yet, but hopefully in the near future! On the list is of course is a 2002 Dick Harrell Camaro then any of the other GMMG Cars. I have a preference of which ones I would like to own but they are all Great Cars!
I will share my stories, information and pictures when I can.
Dave Ianitelli (SlpDave) :auto-layrubber:
My Cars -
A 1998 Camaro SS Hardtop/Manual (Gold)
A 1995 SLP Comp T/A Hardtop/Manual (Silver/Gray Stripe)
A 1997 SLP Camaro SS Hardtop/Automatic (Black)