Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 4:23 am
Several people have asked if they could donate to help cover ongoing GMMG Registry costs. I asked them to hold that thought & we would come up with something.
The intent is to have the Registry self-funding to cover the ongoing operational costs. If funds are available the Registry can help with more promoting, events & shows.
If the GMMG Registry™ has ever assisted you buying or selling a GMMG, researching or documenting a car we could use your help funding the ongoing costs to keep it going.
(Web Site Maintenance, Hosting & Web Master, Domain Name, State & Federal Documents, Legal, CPA, Promotion & other expenses)
Any & all money stays in the Registry.
Anything GMMG™ is Trademarked & Protected.
GMMG™ .... GMMG Inc.™ .... GMMG Registry™
The Registry is protecting the Brand, so others do not reproduce GMMG Parts & Merchandise without a written request.
If you would like to make anything or use the GMMG Name or Logo please submit your request in writing & tell us what you would like to do.
Email: GMMG Registry™ ....
Why do we need to protect the GMMG Name & Brand?
To protect the value of GMMG Cars & owner investment
To minimize any cloning of cars, parts, or merchandise
Please notify the GMMG Registry™ if you see anything that does not seem right.
The Registry is also working on a new Web Site & POS.
If you have expertise in any of the following areas & would like to help, please drop a note to the Registry.
Fundraising – POS Merchandise – Promotion – Membership – Events – Legal – Web Site Hosting – Historian - other special skills
Login to your Pay Pal account
Choose ‘SEND MONEY’ Follow the prompts.
(not ‘buying goods or services’)
Jim’s Pay Pal e-mail is:
Add a note: for GMMG Registry™. Please use my name or only initials.
CHECK: Please make out to:
Jim Smith – GMMG Registry
1925 120th Street
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Donations do not have to be money. They could be time assisting the Registry, merchandise, parts, photos, documentation or anything GMMG related.
The Registry would like to recognize your donation & include your name. We will not list donation amount.
If you do not want your name mentioned, we will use your initials. Please let us know your preference.
Your ideas & comments are welcome & appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time for your ongoing support & assistance.
GMMG Registry™
Several people have asked if they could donate to help cover ongoing GMMG Registry costs. I asked them to hold that thought & we would come up with something.
The intent is to have the Registry self-funding to cover the ongoing operational costs. If funds are available the Registry can help with more promoting, events & shows.
If the GMMG Registry™ has ever assisted you buying or selling a GMMG, researching or documenting a car we could use your help funding the ongoing costs to keep it going.
(Web Site Maintenance, Hosting & Web Master, Domain Name, State & Federal Documents, Legal, CPA, Promotion & other expenses)
Any & all money stays in the Registry.
Anything GMMG™ is Trademarked & Protected.
GMMG™ .... GMMG Inc.™ .... GMMG Registry™
The Registry is protecting the Brand, so others do not reproduce GMMG Parts & Merchandise without a written request.
If you would like to make anything or use the GMMG Name or Logo please submit your request in writing & tell us what you would like to do.
Email: GMMG Registry™ ....
Why do we need to protect the GMMG Name & Brand?
To protect the value of GMMG Cars & owner investment
To minimize any cloning of cars, parts, or merchandise
Please notify the GMMG Registry™ if you see anything that does not seem right.
The Registry is also working on a new Web Site & POS.
If you have expertise in any of the following areas & would like to help, please drop a note to the Registry.
Fundraising – POS Merchandise – Promotion – Membership – Events – Legal – Web Site Hosting – Historian - other special skills
Login to your Pay Pal account
Choose ‘SEND MONEY’ Follow the prompts.
(not ‘buying goods or services’)
Jim’s Pay Pal e-mail is:
Add a note: for GMMG Registry™. Please use my name or only initials.
CHECK: Please make out to:
Jim Smith – GMMG Registry
1925 120th Street
Balsam Lake, WI 54810
Donations do not have to be money. They could be time assisting the Registry, merchandise, parts, photos, documentation or anything GMMG related.
The Registry would like to recognize your donation & include your name. We will not list donation amount.
If you do not want your name mentioned, we will use your initials. Please let us know your preference.
Your ideas & comments are welcome & appreciated.
Thanks ahead of time for your ongoing support & assistance.
GMMG Registry™